
Skid Row

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Re “Homeless Dish Out Skepticism to Riordan,” Nov. 27: There is a much greater degree of support for some of Mayor Richard Riordan’s ideas than the comments of the few homeless people in the article would indicate.

Two recent studies asked skid row residents, most of whom are formerly homeless people, what they want to see changed about the community. Residents, including some in shelters, focused on the need to end drug dealing, prostitution, street encampments and public drinking. Residents expressed support for having the LAPD proactively enforce laws covering a wide range of quality-of-life crimes that have made skid row unsafe in the past. Aggressive panhandling was on the list of problems that they feel diminish the quality of life.

In contrast, when the same residents were asked what they would like to see changed in skid row, they spoke of jobs, affordable housing, health care, a grocery store that sold food rather than cheap wine, more parks for the children, substance abuse and mental health treatment and more collaboration with the LAPD to improve safety. Interestingly enough, not one resident spoke of a need for better panhandling opportunities.


BUD HAYES, Exec. Dir.

SRO Housing Corp., Los Angeles
