
Yuletide Titles

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Americans, more than any other people, have made Hanukkah and Christmas major national holidays. And this year Hanukkah, the eight-day Festival of Lights, begins Tuesday and is celebrated at the same time as Christmas.

Which leaves many of us with an extra long Hanukkah/Christmas gift list! Well, you’ve heard it here before, but, once again--think books. Not only do they make wonderful gifts, but holiday-decorated bookstores are a delight to visit. They provide musical entertainment, children’s story hours, films and in many bookshops, a cafe where you can relax and have a light repast.

Here’s an eclectic list of titles written by local authors to consider. For mystery/thriller fans: Gerald Schiller’s “Deadly Dreams” or “Celebrity Trouble” by David Champion, published by Allen Knoll Publishers of Santa Barbara.


Jack Feuer’s “Good Men: A Practical Handbook for Divorced Dads” has been released by Avon Books.

Margaret Brownley’s historical romance, “Buttons & Beaus,” was a fall title from Topaz. Taylor Coffman’s “The Cambria Forest,” an illustrated account of the natural history of the Central California Coast, is available from Coastal Heritage Press of Summerland.

Put these under the tree for literary toilers. “One for the Books: Confessions of a Small Press Publisher” by John Daniel, and “How to Promote You and Your Book” by Richard F.X. O’Connor.


The revised edition of “How to Explain Judaism to Your Non-Jewish Neighbors,” by Rabbi Edward Zerin, is based on his earlier books, “Our Jewish Neighbors” and “What Catholics Should Know About Jews,” and was published by Isaac Nathan Publishing of Woodland Hills.

One more suggestion. Stress is unfortunately a factor during the holiday season. So get a copy of “E.I.E.I. Yoga,” a music video for children by yoga expert Max Thomas, and take a soothing break with the kids.


Join Ella the Storyteller and share family story time at 6:15 tonight at Adventures for Kids, 3457 Telegraph Road, Ventura.



Lawyer Darryl Nyznyk, author of the suspense novel “The Third Term,” and Les Nelson, host of KKZZ radio’s Breakfast with Les, will appear together at 1 p.m. Saturday at Phantom Bookshop, 451 E. Main St., Ventura.


The 1997 writing competition sponsored by the Simi Valley Branch of the National League of American Pen Women received hundreds of entries from throughout the United States and Canada. And two residents of Thousand Oaks are among the 12 writers who received awards. Debbie Trice was honored for her nonfiction piece, “Learning to Be an Adult,” and Sonia DeLeon’s poetry, “Chimera,” earned her an honorable mention.


In Santa Barbara

The main shopping action may be at the Paseo Nuevo Mall, but the warm and welcoming ambience for meeting friends and purchasing holiday books is still at Earthling Bookshop, 1137 State St., which opened its doors 24 years ago. Christmas songs are scheduled Friday at 7 p.m. and “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” will be filmed at 11 a.m. Saturday.

* Frances Halpern and Jon O’Brien are co-hosts of “Beyond Words” at 10 a.m. Sundays on KCLU-FM (88.3), Ventura County’s National Public Radio station.
