
Holiday Notes

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Craig Taubman’s memories of childhood Hanukkahs are as crisp as a December night. The tantalizing smell of his mother’s latkes sizzling in the kitchen. Glowing candles on the menorah as he and his three siblings took turns lighting them. The pleasures (and pitfalls) of ransacking his parents’ closet for a sneak peek at his gifts.

Such vivid recall comes in handy when the 39-year-old entertainer is writing songs for his nationally known children’s pop group, Craig ‘n Co. The Studio City resident sings hip, sometimes thoughtful tunes that speak from a kid’s point of view. His music and music videos have been carried by Walt Disney Records and Nickelodeon and used in family television and films, including HBO’s “Happily Ever After” and Paramount’s “Andre.”

But Taubman’s memories also enhance his second career as a singer and songwriter of Jewish music for children and adults. He released his first Jewish recording at 19, when the director of his Jewish supplementary school decided to bankroll the effort to give his academically “pathetic” student a chance to explore his musical potential, Taubman said.


Taubman has written, performed and recorded 14 albums that blend Jewish teachings and traditions with kid-friendly lyrics and a mix of musical styles. He notes with pride that “One World,” a cut from his latest, “My Newish Jewish Discovery,” has ranked high on adult contemporary charts for seven weeks.

With such credentials, Taubman rightly might be miffed over not getting top billing at Sunday’s Orange County Chanukah Concert at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. But he’s not upset at being second banana--402nd banana, actually--because in his mind, that puts the focus where it should be: on the children.

Four hundred youngsters from Orange County’s synagogues and religious organizations headline the fund-raising concert. The lineup features 13 children’s choirs and cantors performing songs in English, Yiddish and Hebrew, under the direction of composer Ami Aloni. Bob Alper, a Vermont rabbi billed as America’s only practicing clergyman and stand-up comic, emcees the two-hour show.


Last year’s performance, which featured Milton Berle, Sid Caesar and Monty Hall, raised about $35,000 for participating Jewish organizations and was a rapid sellout. Limited seating is available for Sunday’s concert.

After their performance, members of the children’s choirs will be ushered to reserved seats in Segerstrom Hall for Taubman’s portion of the show, which he says will feature “songs that celebrate the Jewish spirit and the holiday spirit.”

“Hanukkah is a holiday of rededicating yourself,” Taubman says. “It is a festival of light [and] enlightenment. . . . It’s an opportunity to look back, but it’s also a beginning.”



Taubman says he and his wife, Louise, use the season to help teach their son and daughter the value of giving. They donate clothing to homeless shelters and host holiday gatherings for family and friends of many faiths.

He says he has found inspiration to be a good parent in the same place he has found inspiration for much of his music: Jewish liturgy.

“There’s a song I wrote called ‘Fixing Up the World’ that talks about all the things you should do in life--respect your parents, greet your friends, never hold a grudge. According to Jewish tradition, if you follow these rules, there will be a very special place held for you. I hope my children learn these skills as well as they know their ABCs.”

Concert organizer Hannareta Fishman also believes that Jewish children who hold fast to their traditions have a better chance at success. And she’s gratified to see how the children who participate in the Hanukkah concerts seem to benefit.

“The thing that’s just fabulous for me is seeing how these children react when they go into a place like the center and see their name in the program and stand on that stage,” said Fishman, who, with husband Gordon, has been presenting the concerts since 1995. “It makes them feel so important.”

Fishman added that although Berle and company were well received last year, she and her husband decided to move toward a more child-oriented entertainer such as Taubman “because Hanukkah is such a joyous holiday for the children.”



The third annual Orange County Chanukah Concert is Sunday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. 2 p.m. $9-$36. (714) 740-7878 (Ticketmaster). Patron tickets, which include best available orchestra seats and a post-performance dinner at the Center Club, are $125 and available only at the box office. (714) 556-2787.
