
Center Names 5 in Restructure

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The Orange County Performing Arts Center today named three new vice presidents and two senior directors to form a restructured management team. All of the appointments came from within the institution.

Center president Jerry E. Mandel, who is also chief operating officer, officially steps into his $200,000-a-year job today as well. But he has been at work, unofficially, for the past month or so.

Mandel, 57, formerly chief fund-raiser for UC Irvine, was named to the post May 9. He has a five-year contract and succeeds Tom Tomlinson, whose forced departure a year ago stunned the county’s arts community.


The three staffers promoted to vice presidents are Judith O’Dea Morr (programming), Richard A. Johnson (finance and administration) and Greg Patterson (communications and marketing).

Promoted to senior directors are Aaron Egigian (music programming) and Kerry Madden (theater operations and facilities).

A vice president of development, to be hired from outside the center, is expected to be announced soon. The center has also begun the search for a marketing director.
