
2nd Harassment Lawsuit Names Sheriff’s Aide

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One of the highest-ranking officials in the Orange County Sheriff’s Department was hit Tuesday with a second sexual harassment suit, this one filed by a lesbian deputy accusing him of groping her and harping on her sexual orientation.

In the suit filed in Orange County Superior Court, Deputy Florence “Jeanie” Henson accuses Assistant Sheriff Dennis LaDucer of humiliating her in front of co-workers, making unwanted sexual advances toward her and making veiled threats about her career future.

It’s the second suit filed against LaDucer in as many weeks. Lt. Wendy Costello, one of the highest-ranking woman in the department, filed the first sexual harassment suit against LaDucer, claiming he also touched her inappropriately.


The suit also quotes LaDucer telling Henson to be careful because “Sheriff [Brad Gates] does not like gay people.” LaDucer also threatened to “banish” Henson to patrol duty when she rebuffed or ignored his advances, the suit claims.

Gates is named in both lawsuits as contributing to a work environment hostile toward its female employees. Gates declined to comment Tuesday through department spokesman Lt. Ron Wilkerson, saying he had not seen the latest lawsuit.

However, Wilkerson did say the department does not tolerate discrimination based on sexual orientation, race, religion or gender. “That is the sheriff’s strong and long-standing policy,” Wilkerson said.


An internal investigation into Costello’s claims is underway, and LaDucer remains on paid administrative leave from his post overseeing the agency’s patrol and investigative operations. Costello and Henson are both on paid medical leave.

LaDucer could not be reached Tuesday for comment. His attorney, Bruce Praet, said the allegations facing his client are unfounded.

“He absolutely denies that he did anything that could even remotely be construed as sexual harassment or discrimination,” Praet said.


In her suit, Henson accuses LaDucer of prying into her private life with questions and comments about her lengthy relationship with another woman.

LaDucer allegedly asked Henson to identify other homosexuals within the agency and badgered her to let him watch or participate in her sexual activities, the suit claims.

The 14-year veteran deputy also claims that LaDucer once grabbed her by the back of the neck and shoved her head into his lap, feigning oral sex. Another time, the suit claims, LaDucer made Henson sit on his back while he did push-ups in front of her co-workers.

In all, the suit lists 11 occasions when LaDucer allegedly groped, touched or kissed Henson.

Attorney Pat Thistle, who represents Henson and Costello, said a third Sheriff’s Department employee will also file a harassment suit against LaDucer in upcoming weeks.

Praet criticized Thistle for filing the suits separately, instead of as a single, consolidated case.


“It’s grandstanding for the media,” Praet said.

Praet said LaDucer and his family have been blindsided by the unfolding scandal, and the veteran lawman is under medical care for possible hypertension.
