
The Michael Jackson Move: Shame on You, KABC

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It seems to me that in any successful business, the “moral high ground” is worth something, over and above the bottom line--and that the Disney Co. and radio station KABC manager Maureen Lesourd don’t understand that at all (“KABC-AM Pushes Jackson Talk Show to Weekend Slot,” Business, July 3).

The gradual attrition and ultimate removal of Michael Jackson, the undisputed class act of talk radio, from his longtime-institution morning show--and his banishment to weekends alongside the cooking and car shows--betrays a total disregard for the sensibilities of the audience and the traditions of a once-great radio station. The callous and classless way in which this decision was executed insults the dignity of an accomplished man who deserves better, and grossly underestimates the taste and intelligence of KABC’s listeners.

Former manager George Green and the pre-Disney owners would never have handled this in such an offensive and tasteless way. They were able to keep talk radio above the level of tabloid radio, but those days are apparently gone.


Also gone is this longtime avid KABC listener--probably for good.


Los Angeles

I would like to express my outrage and sadness over what is being done to Michael Jackson.

With my background in broadcast management and “air talent,” I’m probably as aware as anyone that the Numbers are prime considerations in this industry--ratings, share, sales, demographics--and that change is an inevitable norm in the broadcast community, as it is in other commerce and, indeed, in life.

But this talented and intelligent man has been, and still is, one of the very few bright lights to bring illumination into the darkness of the radio culture.

Yes, the Supreme Court, the California economy and Hong Kong are not as sexy as the carnivorous Mr. Tyson or the utterances of a Madonna--but it seems to me there’s much to worry about, if the most important of the broadcast outlets are totally--totally--dominated by the lowest levels of our current culture.


Shame on KABC!


