
Piazza Controversial? How About Just Honest

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Judging from the letters you received about Mike Piazza’s assessment of the Dodgers’ problems, it is readily apparent that the low reading comprehension scores in California are correct.

How could any adult read cultural bias into what he said? How dare he tell the truth? Even if he was wrong, isn’t he entitled to his opinion when asked? Cultural differences are a fact. That is not to say any one is right or wrong . . . just different.

How refreshing it was to have an intelligent, articulate and honest athlete answer a question as completely as Mike did.



Big Bear Lake


Get off Mike Piazza’s back. You hypocrites only give a damn about diversity when it benefits you. When the workday is done, and you’ve collected your salary from some white company, you all rush home to your non-diverse neighborhoods to watch your ethnic TV shows, or flit off to your black, Mexican or Asian clubs where you can hang out with people you feel comfortable with (translated, people just like you). But you lobby like hell for laws that keep non-ethnics from doing the same thing. This isn’t diversity, this is parasitism.

When was the last time you demanded diversity in the NBA? When was the last time you boycotted a black company for not hiring at least 70% non-Africans?


