
Disqualifications, Penalties Mar Race

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From Associated Press

Jeroen Blijlevens was declared the winner of the sixth stage after organizers took away Erik Zabel’s apparent victory and placed him last for the stage.

“After looking at the images of the sprint of the sixth stage, the jury of commissioners has decided to put Erik Zabel to last place of the stage and fine him 200 Swiss francs ($137),” said Jean-Francois Pesheux, sports director of the Tour de France.

Zabel was disqualified for interference early in the final sprint.

Later, Pesheux said that Djamolidin Abdoujaparov of Uzbekistan tested positive for controlled substances after the second stage and was disqualified for the rest of the Tour.


Abdoujaparov, a powerful sprinter, originally was third in Friday’s stage behind Zabel, then was moved to second after the disqualification.

Another rider, Tom Steels of Belgium, also was thrown out of the race, for tossing his water bottle at another rider during the sprint finish.

Steels, another of the top sprinters, was jockeying for position when he suddenly threw the bottle toward Frenchman Frederic Moncassin, who finished fifth in the stage. Steels, buried in the pack, was credited with finishing 124th before his number was taken down.
