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Regarding “The Loud Debate Over Trailers” (by Bill Desowitz, July 6), “The Simpsons” THX parody is unfortunately dead-on--the audience is cringing instead of listening. The trailers, the main feature and, yes, even the ubiquitous L.A. Times ads all play with the volume set at the sonic overkill level.

The problem even extends to kiddie fare such as “Hercules,” where the mothers seated in my vicinity at a recent showing complained about the volume level. I can just imagine how that volume level felt to the younger, more sensitive ears of their children.

Because the sound situation is so ridiculous, my wife and I have started wearing earplugs in theaters as a form of self-defense. Even after 29 decibels of attenuation, we can still hear every word in every scene. Clearly, the “sound wars” have escalated beyond all reason, and we sincerely hope the industry has enough common sense to voluntarily declare a truce before permanent ear damage to mixers and patrons alike compels OSHA to take action.



Fountain Valley


Boo hoo! Mommy!! My ears hurt! Hey, if you don’t like the volume in the theaters, then go out and buy yourself a package of earplugs. Don’t ruin it for the rest of us who like it the way it is.

I would rather lose my hearing enjoying a film I can feel than listen to you talk or smack your lips while eating your popcorn any day!


West Covina
