
Job-Cuts Story Exposes a Sinister Corporate Cancer

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Claudia Eller’s column on the firing of Lynn Davids by Warner Bros. shows the type of atrocity that is happening throughout corporate America (“ ‘Cut!’ Takes On New Meaning in Hollywood,” The Biz, July 1).

It needs to be exposed for what it is: runaway greed where money is more important than people. The sad reality about this whole thing is that the majority of Americans are allowing powerful people like the Ted Turners to take advantage of the working class to increase their wealth.

It is hard to believe that the moral fiber of our country is allowing Wall Street to run America with such reckless abandon in the pursuit of higher profits. How do we explain this phenomenon to our children so they will grow up with the proper ethical and moral values?


The column goes far beyond Lynn Davids and people just like her who are being discriminated against because they have little or no power to defend themselves. They only have the power of the press and the ability of good journalists to bring the story to the people. What The Times is exposing at Warner Bros. is a sinister type of corporate cancer whose cannibalism and thirst for money and power is eating away the ethical and moral fabric of our society.

Please keep these stories coming! Maybe with your help, someone out there will get fired up enough to find a way to put an end to this inhumane madness.


