
Rail Study Is Step in Right Direction

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I would like to thank the Orange County Transportation Authority board for approving the study of advanced rail transit from Fullerton to the transportation center in the Irvine Spectrum on June 9.

All 10 cities involved in the Major Investment Study officially supported advanced rail transit and increased bus service between Fullerton and the Irvine Spectrum.

Orange County has become the second most densely populated county in California.

This county is running out of room for pavement and is reaching its limits of tolerance for automobile air pollution.


At half the cost per mile of that for road construction, without destroying open space and building roads for developers, we can have the opportunity to meet the transportation needs in our county.

In 1990 the taxpayers approved $340 million for advanced rail transit.

Now, thanks to the OCTA board and staff, we have the prospect of realizing our goal of getting advanced rail transit.

It is nice for a change to see an Orange County agency act responsibly by spending the taxpayers’ dollars on the project that was originally intended.



