
X-Ray Inspector Layoffs Incredible

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Re “O.C. Folds X-Ray Safety Program,” July 1:

The decision to lay off the five inspectors for the radiological health program defies belief. The program is funded by the state, costs the county nothing and assures our 2.6 million citizens safe and well-run radiology services.

The five inspectors are professionals in every sense and Orange County is the envy of the country for its program. One inspector has been dispatched by the federal government to international crises, including Chernobyl, for her expertise.

Hospitals are prepared for spot inspections with only one hour’s notice. These hard-working individuals deserve praise, not layoffs! To burden the state of California with their duties is simply impossible. The state is already overwhelmed. Their phone number in Sacramento is routinely busy, and I have had to wait between six months and five years for action on various matters.


The concerns by our Board of Supervisors are welcome. The program should be reinstituted, the inspectors rehired with apologies and back pay, and the county Health Care Agency rebuked for a bizarre attempt to compromise public safety. No matter what happens, colleagues elsewhere are certain to ask me what led skilled professionals to apply for animal control jobs!


Newport Beach
