
Citizenship Bill and the Law

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Your editorial of June 9 (“Wrong Target on Immigration”) correctly challenges Rep. Brian P. Bilbray’s bill, which would bar automatic citizenship to children of undocumented residents of our country. I do not condone illegal immigration, but we should not punish the innocent baby because his or her parents are not citizens.

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution codified the custom of automatic citizenship to native-born children, which had been used since the founding of our country.

Indeed, all persons, whether citizens or not, are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. They must all pay taxes, local, state and federal.


Likewise, if a person violates a criminal statute, that person, if found guilty, will be punished.

I recently sponsored a Memorial Day tribute to our veterans. Several World War II veterans told me that they were not citizens when they were asked to defend this country, which they did, with distinction.

We must enforce our immigration laws without resorting to divisive, wedge issues that punish innocent children for their parents’ not being citizens.




* I must commend the Orange County supervisors for their support July 1 of the bill in Congress that would deny automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.

Symbolic or not, it was the right thing to do for the taxpayers of Orange County as well as the rest of the country. How can anyone think it is just and fair for U.S. citizens to support the offspring of people who have managed to enter this country illegally?

If Orange County is spending $3.4 million a month on social and health services for children of illegal immigrants, one can only imagine what is being spent throughout the country. Of course, this is called “racist” by the likes of Alfredo Amezcua, the Mexican ambassador, LULAC and other Latino groups.


I have news for them. Race has nothing to do with it. We are simply tired of paying a third of our income (taking it from our own families) so the government can give it to anyone who manages to sneak across our borders, whether it be by foot, airplane or boat!



* It is apparent that opponents of the bill to end automatic citizenship for children born to illegal immigrants still cannot differentiate between illegal and legal, or feel any respect for the laws of our country or its sovereignty.

Supervisors Charles V. Smith and William G. Steiner stand with the militant illegal immigrant advocates and their ilk in refusing to end the county financial bleeding of $3.4 million a month spent for social and health services on illegal immigrant children.

I would urge anyone who has not attended one of the meetings with our county supervisors in Santa Ana to do so. The opponents used their time-worn and predictable accusations of “racism, bigotry and mean spirit” to oppose any shutdown.

Those loud voices I heard there couldn’t care less that Orange County currently has the highest jail occupancy in the country or that taxpayer funds should be spent on legal matters, programs and law abiding and legal citizens.

No lawbreaker or anyone supporting anyone or anything illegal should have any voice. It is our money, not theirs. It is our county, state and country, not theirs.



Newport Beach
