
Homemade Cleaning Solution Eliminates Window Streaking

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Special to The Times

Have you looked at the supermarket shelves where glass cleaning products are lately?

There are so many brands out now that it is hard to know what to choose.

You may have even tried making your own, but you can’t seem to come up with the right ratio of ingredients, or the type you made leaves smears all over your glass and mirrors.

Well, here’s a solution that’s tried and true. Mix together in a clean bucket 1 pint rubbing alcohol, one-half cup sudsing ammonia and enough distilled water to make 1 gallon. Then add 1 teaspoon dish detergent and a few tablespoons of strained lemon juice (the smell is nice and lemon juice will cut grease).

Apply your solution with a clean white-backed sponge, rubbing extra dirty areas a little. Squeeze out your sponge (not back into your solution), dip sponge back into solution and continue applying in this fashion until window is covered in solution.


Squeegee off the window by first running the tip only of your squeegee horizontally across the top of the pane; wet the squeegee first with your sponge.

This will leave about a one-inch dry strip across the top of the pane. Keeping the squeegee wet, place it in the dry section and pull down.

Rub out any drips with a clean, dry cotton cloth (a baby’s receiving blanket works well) that has been washed without use of fabric softener.
