
Process Opens for Domain Name Applications

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The Internet Society said companies may now apply to join the business of registering domain names, the addresses of the global computer network. Under a plan adopted in May by many members of the Internet community, qualified applicants will be allowed to assign domain names ending in seven new suffixes, including .firm, .web and .info. They can also register domain names ending in .com, .org and .net after Herndon, Va.-based Network Solutions’ exclusive contract for those suffixes expires next year. Would-be registrars must submit an application (available online at, along with a $10,000 fee to the accounting firm Arthur Andersen. Donald Heath, president of the Internet Society in Reston, Va., said there is no limit to the number of applicants who could be granted the right to register domain names. Those who are denied will have their $10,000 application fee refunded. Applications must be received before Oct. 16.
