
Roller Rink Plan Spurs Neighbors’ Concerns

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Just when a plan to build the city’s first public roller hockey rink in Studio City Park seemed to get rolling, a flurry of objections from nearby residents has drawn the attention of at least one public official connected with the project.

City Councilman Michael Feuer, who represents the park area, met Monday night with dozens of residents who are concerned about the impact of the $140,000 facility on the area’s traffic and quality of life.

“There weren’t any people there who didn’t like the park. They just want the right use,” said Sharon Mayer, Feuer’s field deputy, who attended Monday’s meeting.


To encourage more communication among city officials, rink developers and the public, Mayer said, a series of Monday meetings has been planned. The first will take place next week.

Residents are concerned that the project, which could also include basketball, volleyball and handball courts as well as a baseball batting cage, will generate too much traffic for the residential area.

“This park is completely surrounded by private homes. We do not front any major streets. As it is, we are overprogrammed,” said longtime resident Ruth Mozzor.


Mozzor added that many residents feel left out of the decision-making process on the project.

Mayer said Feuer believes a consensus can be reached. “The park truly is a real jewel,” she said. “I think everyone wants it not to lose its character.”

Construction could begin in August if liability issues can be worked out, developers said.
