
Carpool Lanes Being Mapped Out for the 405

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Dear Traffic Talk:

I live in the San Fernando Valley and work in Redondo Beach, so I use the San Diego Freeway for most of my work-related activities.

It’s frustrating to see carpool lanes being built everywhere except on the San Diego Freeway between Victory and Century boulevards.

Why has it taken so long for Caltrans to get off the dime? Is there a possibility that a carpool lane will be built between those two boulevards soon?


Dave Sturm



Dear Dave:

Caltrans is presently pushing for approval of different carpool-related projects for the San Diego Freeway in that area that will extend into the next century, according to the agency.

The first will be built in the southbound direction from the Ventura Freeway in Encino to Waterford Street in Brentwood, authorities said. The agency hopes this carpool lane will be finished by 2000, said Pat Reid, a spokeswoman for the agency.

The project will be easier to begin because the median shoulder is readily available.

Some of the work will include reconstructing some of the pavement and reconfiguring drainage and electrical facilities, Reid said.


Other projects are tentatively planned for a couple of years after this job, Reid said.

The main aim is to connect the carpool lanes all the way from Burbank Boulevard in Van Nuys to Century Boulevard near the airport.

All this is in the planning stages and the agency is in the process of acquiring the proper clearances, Reid said. No start dates have been set.


Dear Traffic Talk:

One of the busiest corners in Woodland Hills is Topanga Canyon and Ventura boulevards.

Not only is there a freeway entrance and exit, but there is also a large shopping center. All this creates traffic flowing in all directions.


The problem is the left-hand turn signal for traffic going south on Topanga and turning left onto Ventura.

This turn signal allows only three automobiles or one bus each turn. Many autos try to sneak through and turn on the red light, right into oncoming traffic.

Traffic is always backed up so impatient people continue south on Topanga and make U-turns elsewhere or travel on side streets causing more traffic jams at other corners.

The corners of Shoup and Fallbrook avenues at Ventura are much better regulated and do not have half the traffic as Topanga and Ventura.

How can we get traffic control to correct this situation and clear out the left-hand turn lane for better access to Ventura?

Joyce Gam

Woodland Hills


Dear Joyce:

Some changes have been made to the left-hand turn signal at that intersection for better traffic flow, authorities said.


The light will now allow up to 25 seconds per green for cars turning left from southbound Topanga Canyon onto Ventura as long as vehicles keep crossing the sensors, said Brian Gallagher, an engineer with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation.

This will aid traffic flow turning onto Ventura from Topanga Canyon, he said, but will delay a bit longer traffic going straight on Ventura.

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