
Postal Workers Take a Licking in Book

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For his new book, “A Geography of Time,” Robert Levine put his stopwatch on individuals in various pursuits to gauge the pace of life. Levine, a psychology professor at Cal State Fresno, determined that the city with the slowest-moving postal workers was . . .

Los Angeles.

Personal note to postal workers: Hey, no need to get angry over this . . .

WAIT A MINUTE, MR. POSTMAN: Atty. Gen. Dan Lungren has received the endorsement of Gov. Pete Wilson for Lungren’s expected bid for governor in 1998. He’s supposedly becoming better known to the voters. Now if the post office could only find him.

William Peoples of Pomona and Sheldon Chad of Westwood each sent letters to the attorney general’s office in Sacramento only to have them returned with the notation: “Attorney General moved, left no address, unable to forward” (see accompanying).


The addresses on the letters, it turned out, were outdated. But what’s this “left no address?”

Said Chad: “I wonder if he’s started his gubernatorial campaign a little early.”

RAINING CATS AND DEER: In Benedict Canyon, Phil Proctor came upon what he calls the first “Deer Falling” sign he has ever seen (see photo).

RABBIT TRACKS: Remember the character on Broadway who was pushing a rabbit in a baby buggy (a phenomenon as rare as a falling deer)? Well, the big-eared creature has found a new home. Marguerita Chenier, a city employee, came upon the guy about a block from the original sighting and gave him $5 for the rabbit.


“I was a little concerned about what he was going to have happen to him,” Chenier said. “I live out in Riverside where it’s sort of country and I think he’ll be happier out there.”

Chenier, who named him Buddy, said she fed him when they got home “and he hasn’t stopped eating since.”

WHICH REMINDS US: KNX radio reporter Diane Thompson saw a fellow standing on an offramp with a sign that said “Will Work for Dog Food.”


Adds Thompson: “I didn’t see a dog with him.”

PLAY IT AGAIN, STEVE: I misstated the title of the new book by A.M. Sperber and Eric Lax. It’s “Bogart.”

CHECKOUT TIME FOR GODZILLA: Like downtown residents, Vincent Hall also received a warning about the filming of a Godzilla movie and the accompanying racket. Only Hall was staying at the Biltmore Hotel. He was amused that the management’s notice spoke of “simulated gunfire and other special effects” and ended by saying, “We hope you will enjoy your stay.”

Hall adds: “The irony, of course, is that with all the movie people and police around, there was less real gunfire than usual.”


Oh yes, regarding the letters that were not delivered to the state attorney general, Levine’s “Geography of Time” said that the city with the second-slowest postal workers in the nation was Sacramento. Personal note to postal workers: I’m just reporting Levine’s finding; I’m not saying I agree with it . . .
