
Van Nuys Air Show

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Re “Air Show’s Popularity Soaring,” July 20.

I was dismayed to find the Sunday front-page photograph of young boys dressed in Army fatigues exploring an attack helicopter at the Van Nuys air show.

The article quotes several attendees gushing over the patriotism and thrill of the show. Wake up folks. What is this really about?

* The promotion of the aerospace industry to maximize its profit and

* The exaltation of the instruments of war and destruction.

This glorification of attack arsenal desensitizes us all to violence and reinforces a definition of masculinity for boys which equates the power to destroy with manliness. When will we ever learn?



Sherman Oaks


* Nice to read that the Thomas kids’ talking was “drowned out by the high-pitched, nerve-racking whine of supersonic jets and the thunderous clap of helicopters.”

I too have had my talking drowned out and my nerves wracked by those sounds. Four times: Friday, when the aircraft arrived; Saturday and Sunday during the show; and today, Monday, as they depart. I can’t talk on the phone, the sound drives my dogs into a frenzy of barking, and dust kicked up by the vibrations has settled everywhere.

It is not a “real thrill,” it doesn’t make me feel “patriotic” and I couldn’t give a damn less what the pilots look like! You see, I live right near Van Nuys Airport and I get to experience this sound pollution on a daily basis.


I have been told that the noise levels are illegal, but complaints to the airport and the city go unanswered.

To all those who enjoy air shows, I say great, but they do not belong in a large city and in a neighborhood that is already practically unlivable because of the airport problem. For those who think I am a killjoy, well then, my house is for sale. You are welcome to buy it. It comes with all the thrills, patriotism and all the cute pilots you could ever desire.


Van Nuys
