
Casa Pacifica Staff Doing a Good Job

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Empathy, compassion, tolerance, cooperation, caring.

Our family has found a place where people actually practice these ideals, not just pay them lip service. That place is Casa Pacifica and those people are the staff and those who support them.

As an example, I want to thank all who volunteered time and services to the kids there in order that they could have a prom at the end of the school year. It’s hard for the kids being separated from families and friends on the outside and not be able to participate in regular school activities. This dance gave them a chance to have that kind of experience.

As a parent of one of those young ladies, I want to extend a very heartfelt thank you and need all of you to know that words are not enough to express my gratitude to the Casa staff and supporters for everything you have done for all the kids and our families over the three years you have been there.


All of the reports written lately about the shortcomings of Casa have failed to give any acknowledgment to all of the positives that take place such as the prom. They also have failed to give any statistics from other facilities that are licensed at the same level as Casa. How can those doing the inspections or the public judge what is excessive in number of “takedowns” or “AWOLs” or any of the other alleged problems if they have no comparisons? How can any outsider observe a facility like Casa for a few days, weeks or months and pass judgment without knowing the clientele? Did any of these people ever live with kids that are out there? Did any of these people read the case histories of any of the kids? I can speak from experience since one of my kids does live out there. If Casa Pacifica did not exist, my child would be locked up in the juvenile justice system or a mental facility. Instead she is at a place where people care enough to have the tolerance and patience to work with her and try to teach her how to interact with others in a positive manner and help her deal with her “inner demons” so she can become a productive member of society.

Those who have been so busy putting Casa down need to step back and ask themselves honestly if the negative really outweighs the positive or if they are letting politics, ego and power plays get in the way. Yes, there are problems that need to be corrected. This is a new experience and I believe it will continue to grow and change as it has always done since its opening.

The children are the challenge there and each one comes with their own unique problems and responses. I am very grateful that the staff has been willing to adapt to each one in turn. We owe it to the children to keep Casa open at all costs. The real tragedy would be to shut the doors and send the children out of the county where family reunification would be near impossible or lock them up in a juvenile facility because of their violent behavior.


These kids need our attention and help if we are going to expect them to contribute to the future instead of being a burden.


