
Other Side of Slide Show Issue

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An article in the Oct. 10 edition of the Los Angeles Times mentions that archeologist Robert Dunn was refused permission by Ventura city officials to present his slides in front of the city’s historic preservation committee. Our committee would like to set the record straight on this matter.

It was in fact, the members of the committee that decided against having the slide presentation. Our reason for the cancellation was that we had met with Mr. Dunn previously and spent about 45 informative minutes with him. As it was hard for us to picture in our minds much of what he was talking about, we at that time asked him to return to give us a slide presentation.

Later, it was decided that we would prefer to examine the mission dig site ourselves. Dr. Gary Stickle, whose company was hired to conduct the excavations, offered to show us the site.


We found this tour very informative and marveled at what the archeologists had found. However, we decided that seeing the slides would be repetitious and therefore it was not necessary to meet again with Mr. Dunn. We want to thank both Dr. Stickle and Mr. Dunn for their help in [our] understanding such a complicated matter.

Now that the first stage and most important part of the excavations have been completed, we hope that in all future efforts the greatest care will be taken to preserve archeological materials in this our city’s most important historic site.


Historic Preservation Committee

City of San Buenaventura
