
Vaughn Envisioned as a K-12 Campus

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In a move that she said would help the area’s brightest students qualify for top universities, Vaughn Next Century Learning Center Principal Yvonne Chan has proposed transforming the pre-kindergarten through fifth-grade charter school into a 12-grade college preparatory campus.

The expansion, which would require the approval of the Los Angeles Board of Education as well as the school’s parents, teachers and staff, could go into effect as early as next year, Chan said.

“We feel strongly that these kids can someday be Yale, Stanford and UC students,” said Chan. “They have the potential, but somebody needs to guide them through.”


Under Chan’s proposal, the “College Prep Charter Magnet School for Secondary Students,” would expand by one grade per year, eventually enrolling 400 sixth- through 12th-graders interested in foreign languages and international business.

On Thursday, Chan acknowledged that several issues must be resolved before the school can proceed with its expansion plans, not the least of which is convincing current parents that the idea has merit.

Some parents are worried that bringing older children to the campus might diminish the space and attention available to younger ones, Chan said. Others are concerned that the smaller campus might not offer a full complement of social and educational opportunities for older students.


Still, Chan said, she is committed to going forward with the expansion.

Joe Rao, reform coordinator for the Los Angeles Unified School District, said the district is open to Chan’s proposal, but will not make a final decision until it reviews both Vaughn’s charter renewal application and an independent evaluation being conducted for the district by a private firm.

“All things being equal, I think they have a good chance of making this happen,” Rao said. “But let’s do it one step at a time.”
