
Habeas Corpus Case

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Thank you for your Nov. 9-10 series on the Lisa Michelle Lambert murder case in Pennsylvania. It should be required reading for all who are in favor of the death penalty. It is clear to me from this and other similar cases that for too many prosecutors the truth takes a back seat to the necessity to win, often for political reasons. The entire system was corrupted, all the way from the police to the prosecutors to the expert witnesses. They all were proven to have lied and hidden and destroyed evidence.

Unfortunately, most people will not take the time to become well informed. Because they are uninformed, they continue to vote for those politicians who pander to their calls for blood. And if a few innocent people get convicted, so what. They’re all poor or minorities anyway, right?



I have just finished reading your two-part article on the Lambert habeas corpus hearing. This is newspaper writing at its absolute best. Informative, fascinating, upsetting and provocative. In the light of all the coverage certain trials have received, it is amazing that this is the first that I have heard of this incredible story. My compliments to Barry Siegel.



West Hollywood

While Siegel faithfully reported on the record established in the U.S. District Court, he did not accurately portray the enormity of the injustice perpetrated by Judge Stewart Dalzell. I had the privilege to live and practice law in Lancaster County for 24 years. I lived there while the Lambert case was being tried before a jury and I personally know all of the attorneys and police investigators involved in that trial.

It is clear from the record established before Dalzell that he began the trial with a bias against the people and prosecutors of Lancaster County. What was the hidden political agenda of the liberal Democrat Dalzell in his persecution of the conservative Republican county government of Lancaster? How did Dalzell’s alleged ambitions to move higher in the federal judiciary affect his treatment of this case? How significant were Dalzell’s personal relationships with Lambert’s attorneys?

From a legal standpoint, Dalzell’s action is without precedent and is judicially unsound. Thanks to the actions of another wacko federal judge, a person who was clearly involved, with others, in the brutal murder of a young woman is walking the streets without chance of retrial.


Siegel’s story portrays Assistant Dist. Atty. John Kenneff as an attorney without ethical or moral standards. I was a friend and colleague of Jack Kenneff for over 20 years. I know of no attorney in Lancaster County of greater personal integrity; his selfless service for more than 20 years, at great personal sacrifice, are his legacy, not the rantings of Judge Dalzell.



The series presents a study of the conflicts in our contemporary society. Class, good and evil, and ultimately justice and fairness rise above the individuals themselves.

Dalzell faces challenges to his career, to his office and his life for having taken his duty to heart. Colin Powell is searching for contemporary heroes to recognize. Judge Dalzell should be nominated.



Yorba Linda
