
State Term Limits Voided by Court

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Re “Appellate Court Voids State Law on Term Limits,” Oct. 8:

The court was wrong. We Californians know that the 1990 initiative barred legislators for life from seeking their old offices once they were forced out of office. These federal judges do not understand how knowledgeable Californians are on our politics, and our earnest desire to have more citizen participation in our representative government.

We want a government of the people, not just politicians; for the people, not just for politicians; and by the people, not just politicians. Have we made ourselves clear? We want the politicians’ prehistoric carcasses out of our representative government after they have had their turn in office. We do not want long-term political hacks representing us.


Westlake Village

Judge Stephen Reinhardt and the 9th “Circus” Court of Appeals have struck again. With Orwellian logic, he turned down term limits on the grounds that the voters of California did not really understand what they were voting on. Wrong! I knew exactly what I was voting for, and for Reinhardt to suggest otherwise is the height of judicial arrogance.


The 9th Circuit Court must be trying to strengthen its already Herculean grip on the title of “most reversed” appeals court in U.S. history. If voters can be overruled because they “do not understand what they are doing,” then perhaps we need to seriously consider term limits for federal judges who “do not know what they are doing.”


La Jolla

The judges on the appeals court must be confused. To the best of my knowledge they do not possess the power of God. Mind reading is not one of their skills.

I voted for term limits and was aware of the consequences. Proposition 140 did not go far enough to suit me. I propose a 12-year limit for elected office whether it be federal, state, local or any combination thereof. The elimination of career politicians would benefit our country.



Los Angeles

In the ruling on Proposition 140, Reinhardt has outdone himself. It is so inspiring to see that he holds such a high opinion of voters that he must overturn their will because they ostensibly did not know for what they were voting. Reinhardt should consider himself lucky that his seat is not subject to election, for voters would surely know what they were doing in voting him out. Thanks for giving us another reason not to vote, Judge Reinhardt.


Huntington Beach

Re “An Arrogant Decision Is Prompted by a Bad Process,” editorial, Oct. 9: Can I believe my eyes? An editorial in The Times that I like? My faith in the constancy of the world has been shattered!

Seriously, that’s a nice job.


