
Schools Benefit From Technology

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Your articles on the rise of the digital generation and their remarkable ability to move into the workplace without higher education (The Cutting Edge, Sept. 1) were right in recognizing the talent displayed by young people who have found tools that match their natural strengths. The article neglected to mention the positive effect that media and multimedia have every day in a great number of California schools.

I have been fortunate to be director of the California Media and Multimedia Festival, now in its 33rd year (the Multimedia was added in 1996). The festival, sponsored by the California School Library Assn. and Computer-Using Educators, sees hundreds of curriculum-based projects every year featuring media and multimedia use for science, math, etc.

These technologies open the eyes and minds of students across the spectrums of natural talent. As learning tools, they have a miraculous ability to stimulate students.


Technology for the great majority means a better classroom process with or without a Hollywood product. That is why they deserve their place in our schools.


Director of Educational Media Services, KOCE-TV
