
Crackdown on Illegal Immigrants

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* Congratulations to the federal immigration agents for their arrest of illegal immigrants at Birraporetti’s and Wolfgang Puck restaurants (Sept. 10).

When the percentages of lawbreaking, illegal workers amount to 39% and 44% respectively, the management of these fashion-food, trendy eateries is either lying or suffering from brain-dead mentality disorder.

The crime of hiring these many illegals inadvertently is akin to “accidentally” robbing a bank or accidentally harboring a known criminal. Penalties for these accidents should be more severe, such as forced closure for many days or weeks of the offending business.


The wealthy owners of these designer calorie outlets laugh at the paltry fines currently imposed. I frequently entertain business clients and dine out. I will surely not patronize these two lawbreaking eateries in the future and will advise my associates likewise.


Costa Mesa
