
Miracle Cures By Jean Carper; Harper AudioOne...

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Miracle Cures By Jean Carper; Harper Audio

One cassette One hour, 30 minutes; $12; Read by the author

Listening to Jean Carper read the audio version of her latest book, “Miracle Cures,” is like listening to a friendly neighbor offer advice at the kitchen table. She may not have the polished manner of a trained actor, but her voice and style are warm and pleasant.

Carper is clear and concise as both reader and writer. You can’t help but glean a decent foundation to alternative drug therapies, though her natural remedies are offered in conjunction to, not in place of, Western medicine. Unlike many self-help audios, this does not overwhelm you with so much information you must listen with pen in hand. Instead, Carper engages you with testimonials and offers explanations in easily understandable layman’s terms.

Another plus is a carefully executed abridgment that does not leave the listener feeling as if half the book is missing--which, unfortunately, it is. Perhaps next time Harper will use two tapes for Carper’s work and not excise so much useful material.
