
Pay Hike for State Officials

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As a state employee who has always thought he has not been able to afford a new car since 1982, I was glad to read George Skelton’s March 30 Capitol Journal (“Problem Isn’t the 26% Pay Hikes; It’s Who’s Getting ‘Em”). Skelton states that one thing that does not outrage him about the 26% to 34% raises being given to legislators and state officeholders is the fact that no raises are being given to the 200,000 average state employees like me who have not had a raise since the restoration of a 5% pay cut imposed by the governor three years ago, because we have “great” job security, health benefits and pension plans.

I’ve been looking at this all wrong. I should simply tell the car dealers to put me in a Rolls because of my great pension plan. Why haven’t I also thought to tell the two colleges that are billing me for my two sons’ tuitions that I have great health benefits. That’ll take care of that. And as for the department stores, supermarkets and credit card companies, they need only be told that I have great job security to give me all I want.

Thanks, George, for making me realize that all of these benefits are a “great” substitute for money.



San Gabriel


I am outraged at the pay raise given to the governor and state legislators. What a slap in the face to the rest of the state employees and us working stiffs. The same excuse is always given, i.e., to attract good people. They need to get a new reason. That one isn’t working.




In regard to legislators, the governor and the other members of government who just got ridiculously large increases in salary, I am truly angry. There are so many things I could write, but I’ll limit myself to:

1. I thought a raise was in relation to a job well done. Do these people actually think that with all the problems we have that they are doing a great job? Talk about out of touch.


2. This fantasy that to attract “good people” they need to pay more is absurd. How many times have we read about the vast sums of money these politicians already have before running for office?

3. Just think about how many teachers could be hired instead of giving these politicians even more money. I think they should be ashamed and embarrassed to accept any more money from taxpayers that they already soak.


Santa Monica


I’m mad as hell! The legislators and their cronies are granted an obscene 26% to 34% pay raise, while discussions are stalled over a 3% increase for state employees. If the state employees get a raise, it will be the first in five years and would include a loss of some benefits.


I’m looking forward to voting in November!


Anaheim Hills
