
Cal Poly Pomona Investigating Purdy in Point-Shaving Scheme

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Cal Poly Pomona is conducting an investigation into assistant basketball coach Matt Purdy’s involvement in the Northwestern point-shaving scheme, Athletic Director Karen L. Miller said Friday.

Purdy, who played for Northwestern for four seasons ending in 1995, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case in which two former players have been charged with point-shaving during the 1994-95 season.

“Matt has made some mistakes, but he never did anything to affect the outcome of any game and he is now cooperating with the government and will continue to do so,” said Leonard Levine, an attorney for Purdy.


The Cal Poly Pomona investigation will be headed by Gene Awakuni, vice president for student affairs and university advancement.

“We take this situation very seriously and a review will determine what actions need to be taken in the best interests of the university,” Miller said.
