
Auto Dismantlers

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* Re “Fire Set at Chop Shop After 6 Men Arrested,” March 20.

A fine article, well-written and as such goes far to focus attention on a very serious situation in the Valley and elsewhere. That said, we call your attention to the last paragraph, “Police allege that the arrested men had been buying salvaged cars from junkyards and then rebuilding them with stolen parts.” This is misleading to the public. Thieves . . . either steal, or in more cases than not, go to insurance auctions and outbid legitimate dismantlers for the vehicles. This is an ongoing dilemma for us and law enforcement.

Finally, if the reference to “junkyards” in any way refers to our industry, please be advised that we are not junkyards. We are highly trained professionals, with millions of dollars invested. We pay hundreds of dollars every year for various state and regulatory licenses, unlike the chop shops.



Executive Director, Valley Auto

Dismantlers & Recyclers Assn.
