
Kmiec on Clinton’s Place in History

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Re “A Court’s Judgment Is Not History,” Commentary, April 3:

From his perch high above the year 1998, Douglas Kmiec (from the same law school that has offered a safe and anonymous haven to Kenneth Starr) opines about the “eye of history” and how President Clinton has been dismissed from it. Obviously, Kmiec has no idea how ridiculous and pretentious his comments are. How does Kmiec know in 1998 what history’s judgment will be about President Clinton? What arrogance! What stupidity!


Santa Monica


Agreed, as Kmiec argues, that the independent counsel law must be changed. But what a curious path he takes. “An endless string of reported illicit sexual relationships.” “Have we sold our souls for a good economy?” “We elected . . . a flawed president” and “in the eye of history, this president has been dismissed.” Wow! What lawyerly language. Not to mention “serious allegations remain.”

I’m not aware that his hero Starr has made any serious allegations yet. Starr himself keeps saying he’s only seeking the truth. The only allegations made so far are those by Monica Lewinsky, captured surreptitiously on tape in a sting operation, making Lewinsky herself a prevaricator on the face of it. What does professor Kmiec teach at Pepperdine? Lawyer Spin I and II?





I think there is a lesson to be learned from the Jones ruling: If the president of our country refuses to accept responsibility for his actions, then why should we citizens? This is the moral lesson he leaves to history.




I find it amusing when Democrats call for an end to Starr’s investigation so the president can spend his time on the country’s business. If Clinton’s time is so important in addressing national issues, where did the most powerful man in the world find time for 37 rendezvous with Lewinsky? And why was Bill Richardson, U.S. ambassador to the U.N., taking time out from solving international crises in Iraq, Bosnia, North Korea, etc. to find employment for a 21-year-old ex-intern who barely qualifies as a run-of-the-mill office clerk?

When will Democrats realize that how the president uses his time is a matter of his personal priority, not necessarily the country’s priority?



Granada Hills
