
Foreign Workers

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I was shocked to learn of the shortsighted future vision expressed by Alvin and Heidi Toffler in “Keep Your Tired, but Send Us the Skilled” (Commentary, April 8). They would promote a brain drain from the rest of the world to the U.S. in order to meet current demands for computer workers.

Our greater challenge is the education of a diverse labor force, one already made up of descendants from around the globe. Buying new talent from outside the U.S. is a short-term fix that only avoids responsibility for this greater duty. How does the Tofflers’ scenario play out with regard to those neglected American workers? Does it call for creation of simple-minded jobs that Americans can handle, or possibly for renewed welfare support of the jobless?

Surely we can formulate a vision of the future that brings our own children into useful employment, a vision that is not dependent on brain drain, and that would allow international talent to foster development in all corners of the globe.



Professor, Urban Planning

and Development, USC
