
Bank Robbery Suspect Shot by Security Guard

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A gunman was shot by a security guard after he and an accomplice held up an American Savings Bank branch in the Crenshaw district Wednesday, police said.

The accomplice escaped after the 9:30 a.m. robbery at 3755 Santa Rosalia Drive, police said. The gunmen ordered an unarmed security guard and several customers onto the floor, said Los Angeles Police Officer Mike Partain.

After scooping cash from the teller drawers and vault, the robbers ran out a back door, where they were confronted by two armed bank security guards, Partain said.


A gunman in a ski mask pointed his pistol at the guards, who fired three shots, striking him once in the chest, Partain said.

The wounded suspect, who was not immediately identified, was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where he was listed in serious condition.

The second suspect fled on foot with an undetermined amount of cash, Partain said.

Anyone with information can call the Robbery Homicide Division at (213) 485-0780.
