
Bank Robber’s Shooting Death

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Re “Bank Robber Bled to Death Unnecessarily,” April 21: Let me get this straight. Emil Matasareanu takes an assault rifle into a bank and starts indiscriminately shooting. Now some people are crying because he bled to death of gunshot wounds? I say he got the logical consequences of his actions and justice was served. This ought to be the message to would-be violent felons: If today is the day you decide to shoot up a bank, it’ll also be your last day on Earth. Anybody who wastes two seconds worrying about what happened to this guy needs his head examined.




Your headline was right on! He could have stayed home or gone looking for a job that day instead of arming himself and charging into the Bank of America.




While I feel very bad for Matasareanu’s children, I don’t feel the city should pay even one penny in the lawsuit filed on their behalf. Their father terrorized the city, injured many and died for his actions. If they are denied a father and financial security, it’s his fault, nobody else’s.


The lawyers who take these kinds of cases are not really concerned for their clients. They’re only trying to cash in on a tragedy. Besides, has anybody, in the history of trauma care, ever seen anybody recover from 29 gunshot wounds?


Thousand Oaks
