
Boxing Is Boxing: Don’t Try to Stop It

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How dare the New Jersey Boxing Commission try to pass moral judgment on Mike Tyson and the continuation of his boxing career. A commission set up to promote and support the violent, bloody spectacle of two brutes pounding each other’s heads in until one or the other is rendered senseless, should be fully expectant of a bit of extracurricular activities by one of its hallowed warriors.

When a man is trained to unleash his fists of fury in front of bloodthirsty throngs of admirers, is it so surprising that he may just happen to take an ear off, assault a young lady, or be prone to uncontrolled verbal outbursts? How dare this commission consider denying Mr. Tyson the right to earn a living, the promoters their millions and the fans their insatiable need to witness more brutality.

JAMES VITA, Chino Hills
