
Putting Mettle to the Pedal

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I believe you do a disservice to your paper and sport itself when you increase your coverage of an event because there is some scandal or other negative press.

Your coverage of the Tour of France is pitiful at best and when you increase it because of a drug scandal you look even worse, becoming nothing better than tabloid news.

Bicycling is a great sport with a great heritage. It deserves better treatment.

MARTIN GREER, Garden Grove


For those of you making a fuss about the lack of Tour de France coverage in the paper, let me tell a story which may shed some light.


As a wee lad growing up in Chicago, my friends and I would gather after school and race our bikes. We would pedal our hearts out, each one of us wanting to be the winner that day. The results of our daily races were never published in the Chicago Tribune, nor did we expect them to be. After all, we were just riding our bikes, and who in their right mind cared about a bunch of people riding their bikes?

And, by the way, we never doped our blood nor did we wear full-body spandex.

SCOTT BEDNO, Los Angeles
