
Clinton Hauls In $3 Million for Davis at Three Fund-Raisers

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President Clinton lent his political muscle to Democrat Gray Davis’ campaign for governor Tuesday, appearing at three California fund-raisers that brought in more than $3 million.

“I can’t think of a better gift I could give to the people of California than playing some role in the election of this good man to the governorship,” Clinton said at a fund-raising dinner in Los Angeles.

The draw from one day of fund-raising on behalf any one candidate was exceptional--even for a president with extraordinary energy for raising money.


Spokesman Joe Lockhart joked that the president would spend just as much time raising money for the Democratic candidates for governor of all other states with as many electoral votes as California. Clinton is likely to return to California to raise more money for Davis before the November election, Lockhart added.

The first event, a luncheon for 700 guests in San Francisco’s St. Francis Hotel, raised at least $1 million. Clinton then flew to Los Angeles for back-to-back dinners. The first, at the home of Bruce Karatz, the state’s largest home builder, raised more than $1.25 million. The second, at the home of DreamWorks SKG President Jeffrey Katzenberg, also put at least $1 million into Davis’ coffer.

The success of the events and the enthusiastic reception the president received was another indication that the ongoing investigation by independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has not hurt the president’s ability to bring in money for Democrats.


Far from distancing himself from a troubled president, Davis took pains to paint Clinton as an inspiration for himself in everything from his dogged campaign style to his approach to racial diversity.

Davis was profuse in his praise of Clinton, calling him “the man who has done more than anyone in my lifetime to lift the fortunes and the spirits of the American people.”

Throughout the day, Clinton showed no sign of being distracted by the Starr investigation, but he did refer indirectly to his troubles. At the first Los Angeles fund-raiser, Clinton thanked California for giving him a chance to serve as president and then added with gusto: “No matter what you read, every day has been a joy for me and I have loved it.”
