
57 Wells Proposed to Pump Toxic Water From Dump

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Federal officials Tuesday proposed installing 57 new wells to extract contaminated ground water from the BKK Landfill in an effort to prevent pollution from spreading beneath the dump.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plan is designed to contain a polluted plume of water that is not used as a drinking water source.

EPA officials propose using the wells like giant reverse syringes to extract the worse pollution out of the landfill and prevent it from spreading to areas used for drinking water.


The contaminated ground water would then be treated at a plant already on the site to remove volatile organic compounds, officials said. The treated water would be used for irrigation of the closed hazardous waste landfill, officials said.

BKK Landfill closed in September 1996. City officials, who fought for the closure of the facility, said they have yet to see the proposal and will reserve comment until they have had a chance to review it. There has been a proposal in the city to convert the enormous landfill into a business center and recreation venue.

EPA officials plan to hold a public hearing on the plan Sept. 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Martha’s Catholic Church, 444 N. Azusa Ave.
