
Leaks to the Media in Clinton Scandal

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Re “Leaks Lead the Press to Devil’s Pact,” Column Left, by Robert Scheer, Aug. 11: Three quick points:

1) If anyone in Kenneth Starr’s office gave secret grand jury testimony to a member of the press, then he or she should be prosecuted. If it can be shown that Starr encouraged or even knew about it then he should also be prosecuted.

2) Grand jury testimony is secret to protect the privacy and reputations of people who may never be indicted. It is a crime for a prosecutor to divulge this information. It should also be a crime to receive this information (i.e. receiving stolen property). Especially if it is used for profit, such as in newspapers and magazines. A reporter who takes and publishes secret grand jury testimony should be prosecuted.


3) Bill Clinton is an embarrassment to the office of the presidency. His reckless and disgusting behavior has caused this country to be mired in muck. If he cared about anybody but himself, he would resign. Al Gore should then give him a full pardon and we all could just move on.




Speculation. Rumors. Innuendo. The press has published it all over the last six months regarding the alleged doings of Clinton. Through it all the “public’s right to know” has always been the reason for every story, op-ed piece, talk show and expert’s speculation. Now Starr has been accused of illegally leaking the work of the grand jury. You have reported as such. But the difference is, here the press knows the truth. It knows if Starr has committed these crimes.

For half a year we’ve heard over and over that the president could clear everything by simply telling the truth. OK! Reporters and editors know the truth concerning whether Starr and his cohorts gave newspapers, magazines, or television shows these illegal stories and sound bites. By wrapping themselves in the 1st Amendment, which in this case makes them accessories to a possible crime, there is no right of the public to know whether their leaders have broken the law and lied about it. Does this reek with hypocrisy? You bet it does. And you wonder why respect for the press has plummeted.



Toluca Lake


Since Starr is going to be investigated for leaking grand jury information (Aug. 8), isn’t it fair that a special prosecutor be appointed?


Stevenson Ranch
