
Ferragosto Gusto

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The event: Fourth Annual Ferragosto, a mid-August festival traditionally held throughout Italy to celebrate the summer vacation season and adopted as a fund-raising theme for the Orange County Chapter of Childhelp USA. Tutto Mare, an Italian restaurant in Fashion Island Newport Beach, staged the festival in the center’s courtyard Saturday, the annual vacation day shared by all Italians.

That’s Italian: In the spirit of Ferragosto, the courtyard was transformed with a street fair ambience, with roaming jugglers, mimes and magicians entertaining the crowd of 400.

Guests visited buffet tables loaded with Italian specialties, including antipasto, seafood, pasta, tiramisu and a roast pig that chefs from Tutto Mare cooked in their pizza oven.


Throughout the evening, party-goers danced to the music of the Bytes. “People come here to be merry,” said Pam Butler, event co-chairwoman.

“It’s a casual event, and that’s what attracts them.”

For Children’s Sake: Childhelp USA is dedicated to the treatment, prevention and research of child abuse and neglect. The Phoenix-based national agency operates an abuse hotline (1-800-4-A-CHILD), the Childhelp Village shelter for abused children in Beaumont, Calif., and three group homes in Orange County, including a newly acquired shelter for toddlers. “Besides helping kids, Childhelp raises awareness of child abuse,” said Mary Allyn Dexter, president of the Orange County chapter.

Quote: “I had a wonderful childhood, and all children deserve that,” said Nancy Whitlock, event co-chair. “We can’t help them all, but we can help as many as we can.”


Bottom Line: Ferragosto was expected to net about $35,000 for Childhelp USA. Proceeds will go to support local group homes and Childhelp programs.

Faces: Jim and Patti Edwards, Jeff Butler, Pam Arnett, Nancy Cardin, Kim Doud, Ro Frey, Barbara Ganahl, Katherine Meredith, Carol Packard, Nikki Rice, Doug and Lindah Miles, Mel and Susan Shaw, Eileen Saul, Jana Shuler, Harvey and Natalie Tabb, Cathi Unvert and Debra Violette.

What’s Ahead: The local chapter of Childhelp USA is planning a Christmas boutique and luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Irvine for Dec. 3. Call (949) 548-4228.
