
Seventh-Day Adventists

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Re “Currents of Change,” Aug. 13 and 14. Shaken faith? No! No! Most of the millions of Seventh-day Adventists are becoming more faith-filled as they experience their faith being tested. To Jesus’ question, “When I return, will I find faith on the Earth?” they answer, “Yes, Lord, we’ll be faithful, prayerful, serving,” and as they say, “stirred, but not shaken.”

What terrific publicity. On the Internet, in The Times. Great! How else will the world know “much more” about Adventists, since generally we don’t mingle and our very good and not so good are kept sub rosa.

Seventh-day Adventists believe truth is in Ellen G. White’s book, “The Great Controversy.” It’s one of the best. It answers many important questions.


Well, we’re out of the closet now. Most of it good, some of it not so good. These articles were educational and challenging.



What motivated The Times to write a lengthy, almost entirely negative article panning the Seventh-day Adventist Church? What is accomplished by looking at all sides of 50 years of minuscule negative dust, most of which has settled? In an organization of 10 million members from all walks of life and with a variety of temperaments and temptations there are bound to be isolated incidents here and there that occur and at times are poorly handled. Since that’s a given, why is it newsworthy?

For the 55 years that I have been a member and most of that time a pastor and administrator of the church, I’ve found the church to be healthy, thriving and moving forward with nearly total support by members. Our mission is to carry the gospel of Christ to the world. For that reason the devil uses a few dissidents and the editors of The Times to paint a negative view of a healthy organization that is doing so much good for physically and spiritually needy people throughout the world.


DAN GUILD, Newbury Park
