
She Danced Her Way From Sad to Svelte

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In 1991 I was 150 pounds (at 5 feet, 2 inches), overweight, depressed and sad, having just buried my husband of 41 years after many years of illness.

My inclination at the time was to be alone and not bother with friends or acquaintances. I ate whatever I wished and occasionally picked up candy or sweets and ice cream. Now there was just me alone--no need to share.

I joined a country-and-western line-dance instruction class, and when they played “Waltz Across Texas,” I cried and sat down. I was encouraged to keep trying. I did. Soon I was participating in the dances and felt happy and “up” after each workout. I lost a few pounds and decided to change my diet and also to join the senior center for ballroom dances. I was soon dancing--either country line or ballroom several times a week.


I changed my diet by buying only low-fat, low-calorie items.

* Breakfast: shredded wheat

fresh fruit

low-fat (or 2%) milk

* Lunch: two pieces multi-grain bread

cheese or turkey or chicken

* Dinner: a large pot of all kinds of vegetables and toss in some rice and beans, and occasionally some stew meat

* In-between munchies: more shredded wheat squares or popcorn or fruit

* Dessert: Rather than ice cream, I opt for sherbet or stewed fruit.

I never have pie, cake or anything from a bakery, eschewing all doughnuts, brownies or pastry. Because I gave up the heavy breakfast, i.e. eggs, bacon, fries, pancakes, waffles and ham, I now find it distasteful to eat those items.

The same is true of meat. I very rarely order a steak or meat sandwich and now dislike the taste of same.


Because I became efficient at both ballroom and line dancing, I was asked to join a professional group of line dancers who perform at nursing homes and civic functions.

I never want for a ballroom dance partner wherever I dance.

I am a happy, healthy woman weighing 132 pounds.

I would heartily recommend to anyone going through the sadness of losing a loved one or just being out of touch with people to join an exercise group of some kind.

The people I have met through these activities are helpful to each other, and we never feel we are too much alone.


Age 72 can be fun!


Vital Statistics Name: Rose Real

Age: 72

Occupation: retired administrative assistant

Height: 5 feet, 2 inches

Old Weight: 150

New Weight: 132

Time to Get There: two years

Want to Share Your Success Story?


Losing weight is as individual as gaining weight. Do you have a story on how you got in shape and stayed there? If so, we’d like to hear from you with a 500-word essay listing what worked in terms of diet, exercise, encouragement and support as well as your emotional and physical changes.

We’d also like you to send us full-body color photos of you, before and after.

Send essay and photos to “How I Did It,” Health, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, and include daytime and evening phone numbers. No phone calls, please. Submissions cannot be returned.

In addition to publication, winners will receive a Los Angeles Times gym bag and a gift certificate for a free pair of athletic shoes of your choice, redeemable at any Big 5 Sporting Goods store.
