
Contractor Tom Staben

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Re “County Contractor Defends Practice in Land Use Dispute,” Nov. 29.

Congratulations to The Times for providing a more factual evaluation of the broad-brushed charges, or perhaps implications, recently leveled against contractor Tom Staben. From what I read, I back Mr. Staben in this dispute. I think he has every right to store machinery on his own property, and if he is violating a zoning restriction, then enforce it as such.

It isn’t fair to “get your way” with him by making exaggerated or outright false charges of being an environmental polluter.

Let’s try to get the facts before judging, especially in these days of vilifying people who are independent or who want to do things their own way. These used to be thought of as admirable qualities, and it saddens me to think that we will attack a person simply due to these factors.




While I do not agree with all of Tom Staben’s actions nor his cavalier approach to some of the county’s ordinances, I certainly empathize with him in his dealings with the Ventura County Public Works Department. It sounds like Mr. Staben has come into the county’s cross hairs for some reason and they are going to make him pay, guilty or not.

Many of us have learned that to challenge Public Works or any other part of the county bureaucracy is a sure-fire way to get punished. You will be assessed new fees or have visits from inspectors or suddenly find that you don’t have the right permits, etc.

The Public Works Department of Ventura County is certainly out of control. Even Supervisor John Flynn senses this. There is no accountability from the head and his assistant. You cannot get information out of them, and they treat the county residents like trash when you contact the department for information. The horror stories are everywhere.

As long as we tolerate this kind of conduct by our county departments, we will have situations like Mr. Staben’s arise over and over again.

Arbitrary power wielded by arbitrary men is intolerable and should be resisted. I hope Mr. Staben wins just to prove the point. Enough is enough!

RON VOGEL, Camarillo
