
Clinic to Close

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I read with great dismay about the closure of the American Indian Clinic (Dec. 14). As a Native American who has lived in the Southern California area for most of my life, this is the first time I even knew about the existence of any type of clinic. I would bet that there are many Native Americans who are also unaware of the services that are provided by the clinic. In a time of rising medical costs and the high cost of health insurance, it is very important that there be alternatives for health care. With all of the money that is being generated from tribal casinos, there should be a way for the funds to be made available for this clinic. Money could also be made available to open additional clinics throughout Southern California.

As far as the possibility of mishandling of funds by the management, if there are factual grounds for these accusations, then the director should be replaced. Until then, keep the free clinic open and let the word get out to our brothers and sisters that the services are there to be utilized.


Long Beach
