
Neptune Society

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Re “Suit Says Man’s Ashes Unceremoniously Dumped,” Jan. 27.

We are absolutely furious and disgusted with what we have read in the newspapers about the Neptune Society’s handling of subscribers’ remains.

The Neptune Society states in its promotional material and contracts that our loved ones would have “peace of mind” because of arrangements made with them, that confusion would be eliminated at time of death, that their plan provides protection and security for our family, one phone call at the time of need, services available worldwide, travel and relocation protection [and] private / formal sea dissemination. They also state that all this is done with dignity and respect. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

As alleged in the lawsuit, dumping the remains of at least 54 subscribers together in a creek bed in a distant county like so much garbage, claims by other relatives that their dead relatives’ bodies were abused, mutilated or cremated with other bodies [and] hiding 5,200 cremated bodies in an airport hangar are truly heartbreaking.


As participants in the Neptune Society, we believe that a full accounting should be given to all subscribers, and assurance that all participants in these criminal acts have been terminated.

How will we know if these despicable practices have stopped? Sadly, once a trust is broken there is no trust. We hope our California attorney general will conduct a complete investigation, prosecuting those persons guilty of this abhorrent crime to the fullest extent of the law.



