
Clinton Poll

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Re “Clinton Job Rating Hits 68%, Best Showing Ever,” Feb. 1:

The public’s reaction to the Clinton mess (record high popularity) demonstrates and interesting point: In the court of law, lying under oath--any lie--is viewed as a serous legal breach. In the court of public opinion, however, what kind of lie is a very important factor in determining the seriousness of the offense. Lying or encouraging someone else to lie regarding personal and sexual issues that have absolutely no bearing upon national security or economic well-being simply is not an “impeachable” offense. Such behavior likely makes Bill Clinton an unacceptable friend or relative, but not a president to be discarded.

I guess our standards for our friends are higher than our presidential ones!


Corona del Mar


Clinton at a 68% approval rating? Wonderful--but just imagine what an individual as talented as our present leader but minus the libido could accomplish. The millennium is over. It’s time for a woman president.


Marina del Rey


Re “Some Fear Rumors Will Spell Rout for Democrats,” Jan. 31: I don’t know what planet reporter Mark Barabak lives on but it’s not planet Earth. If he believes that this innuendo-laced Monica Lewinsky story is going to lead Democrats to vote for Republicans in future elections I’ve got news for him.


I am from a four-generation military family who has gone from Republican to independent and I believe that I have just been pushed over to Democrat. When I look at Kenneth Starr, I see Joe McCarthy. When I hear Arianna Huffington and Rush Limbaugh, I want to vote, and vote now. For a Democrat. Any Democrat. What party does Daffy Duck belong to? Is he running?


West Hills


As a bona fide card-carrying right-wing Clinton hater, I really don’t care if the allegations against Slick Willie are true or not (though I believe they are), if the end result is to stop his policy initiatives and render him irrelevant. Better yet would be removal from office and criminal conviction. After listening to how he plans to spend my earnings, a return to gridlock would be preferable to the big-government spending plans of Clinton.




If the Republicans can trust a president who lied about not remembering authorizing the illegal missile sale to Iran, and a vice president who lied about being out of the loop on the Iran missile discussions, then why can’t they trust a president who maybe lied about a piddling sex affair between consenting adults?



Redondo Beach


I never thought I would see the day that the president of the United States could be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and it wouldn’t make the front page (“Clinton Is Nominated for Peace Prize,” Jan. 29). Has actual, verifiable news from reliable sources fallen out of favor completely?


Los Angeles
