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U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky and Commerce Secretary Bill Daley said they will hold Japan to its word on market access in a dispute over photo film even though the U.S. lost a challenge at the World Trade Organization. They said representations made by Japan in its defense against U.S. charges in the case are the same as commitments made in trade agreements. Washington had accused Tokyo of thwarting Eastman Kodak Co.’s efforts to gain more access to Japan’s film market.

* A.S. Goldmen & Co., an Iselin, N.J., brokerage, was fined $200,000 and ordered to pay $1.05 million in restitution and interest to more than 500 investors, including about 50 from California, in a case involving allegations of stock manipulation and overcharging, officials from NASD Regulation, the regulatory arm of the National Assn. of Securities Dealers, said. The case stems from the brokerage’s handling of the 1994 initial public offering of Innovative Tech Systems, a Pennsylvania software company.

* GTech Holdings Corp. Chairman Guy Snowden, 51, resigned, one day after a British jury found that he libeled Richard Branson, chairman of closely held Virgin Group. Snowden moved up his retirement to prevent the verdict’s harming GTech’s business. GTech is the primary contractor of California’s lottery games.
