
LAUSD’s Belmont High School Project

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Not only did your Jan. 28 editorial, “Belmont: Bad Decisions Mount,” misconstrue the actions of the Board of Education, but it also led your readers to assume that the board did not wish to give any documents to Assemblyman Scott Wildman (D-Los Angeles), by not mentioning that LAUSD has already shared thousands of documents with him. I had asked the board not to make a decision on this matter until more information was provided.

With regard to Belmont, there is no turning back. The majority of the board made the decision to move forward with this project many months ago. Although I never supported the grandiose public-private venture involving the high school, everyone acknowledges we need a new school in this underserved area. There are many who have criticized the cost of building this high school and even have been critical of the builder who was selected. Politics fly fast and furious, not always in the best interests of the children.

What concerns me now, however, is that the protracted and highly political debate over this project may result in the State Allocation Board not approving Belmont for matching state school bond funding. As things stand now, the majority of the board made the decision to borrow money to pay for the high school, and it is costing the school district $6 million a year to pay back the borrowed money, plus interest, for 20 years. Funds are being taken directly out of the classroom. The loan is more costly than using Prop. BB funds matched with state funds. I would appeal to The Times to end its negativism on the Belmont project and join us in urging the SAB to do the right thing for the children of Los Angeles.



President, Board of Education

Los Angeles
