
City Might Streamline Private Contract Bids

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Top city administrators might be given more power to negotiate contracts with private firms under a proposal being considered tonight by the City Council.

It now takes the city up to six weeks to select contractors, such as architects or engineers for traffic improvements. For each project, the city seeks proposals from at least five firms and holds interviews with three or more.

The proposed change would shorten the process by allowing the city manager or other department heads, on a limited basis, to negotiate with a firm, without seeking competing proposals.


The staff “will negotiate with them, but the final estimate contract will be approved by the council,” said David Lund, public works director.

If approved, the change could have an immediate effect. The public works department is seeking approval to enter into direct negotiations with Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates to design engineering plans for onramps on Interstate 5 at Avenida Vista Hermosa.

Information: (714) 361-8200
