
William Lambert; Pulitzer-Winning Journalist

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William Lambert, 78, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner who wrote an article for Life magazine that brought down a U.S. Supreme Court justice. Lambert was dubbed by a former editor “the modern-day father of investigative journalism.” Lambert capped his long career with a story in Life magazine that helped force Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas to resign in 1969. The story, which won the George Polk award for magazine reporting, said Fortas had taken $20,000 from stock swindler Louis Wolfson in 1966 while serving on the bench. Fortas resigned nine days after the story was published. Lambert shared his first Pulitzer in 1957 with Wallace Turner for their five-part series in the Portland Oregonian on corruption in the Teamsters Union. They became the first witnesses in a congressional hearing into the matter. On Sunday in Philadelphia of respiratory problems.
